Monday, April 28, 2008

Due dates for Isometric drawings

The first assignment:

Draw your puzzle cube pieces in Autodesk Inventor.
Make sure that you have constrained your pieces with a measurement.
Make the 2d drawing into 3d drawings.
Make each piece and save it in a separate file
We will be assembling these pieces into an animated feature

This is due on Wednesday.

So begin by opening Autodesk Inventor and sketch your pieces in 2d and then extrude them.

Make sure that you have constrained the cube with general dimensions.

Orthographic Drawing--The Mural

The Mural

How do artists take photos and small pictures and make them so large?

In the next couple of weeks we are going to explore this.

The student will:
Learn to read an create orthographic drawing techniques
Learn to transfer small images into large images
Understand Important vocabulary
One-Point Perspective
Two-Point Perspective
Incenter and Circumcenter
The Centroid
The Euler Line
Special Properties of Triangles
The Golden Ratio

These ideas will be learned in the context of drafting and drawing.

The difference between drafting and drawing is that drafting allows for a systematic reproduction of a picture or item from the world that is replicable by through the use of geomtric shapes and division of space and scale.

What does that mean?

It means that many of us can do murals and learn some of the methods that artists lie Leonardo Da Vinci used to create great works of art as well as how engineers create measurement and the ability to reproduce pictures.

We are going to make a small picture large, and make a large picture small





Scaling by percentages

Experimenting with Grids

Monday, April 21, 2008


The Value Of Note Making

From: brock.dubbels, 1 month ago

SlideShare Link

Ideas for Paper

First section
  • an introduction, and this will be a paragraph long explaining the assignment.
  • you should include a section in the paper on the process of making the cube--this included getting the materials, making a team, the pictures of the pieces, the story of the pieces and how your cube changed, who did what, and what kinds of tools and materials you used.
  • As you show a picture of each section, you may also want to also show a sequence of the cube being assembled.
It is important that you show some process in the assembly of the cube because this process is really about how you made the cube, and how to assemble it.

You will also need to include supporting documents, like your isometric sketches.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Due dates

The Cube needs to be finished on Thursday!

Make sure that you are getting ready to write your walkthrough!

You will need to have each step documented with pictures, isometric drawings of the pieces after each glue session, and you should have a plan for how it will all come together so you can look to see if you did anything differently than you had expected.

You should have the cube finished by Wednesday, you should have data on how long it took people to put it together as well as scores from other groups on
  • The level of difficult
  • The quality of of craftsmanship
    • economy,
    • aesthetic,
    • and function
Once you have finished your cube, you will need to create it in Autodesk Inventor in a 3d model. You will animate the pieces and create a video of the cube being put together as an assembly .

The last assignment is the Walkthrough.

This is just like the video game unit walkthrough.

Walkthrough for Puzzle Cube Unit

Due Friday, 4/ 18/08.

Section 1.

Group member names and roles--what did each person do?

How did you start? Take pictures of your initial designs from your engineering notebook. How did you decide how many pieces and other concerns?

Section 2.

Take pictures of your first pieces.

Describe them and who made them.

What is the central piece?

Why did you design it the way you did?

Did you get them to interlock?

Do they stay interlocked when you pick them up?

Include the isometric drawing of each piece.

(You can take photos of these with the camera and

put them into your paper as images.)

Section 3.

How did it go?

Did your Cube work?

Did other groups find it challenging?

Evaluate each cube form different groups.

Describe it in terms of craftsmanship.

What were the qualities of the best cubes?


How would you do this differently next time?

Puzzle cube walkthrough assignment

The puzzle cube assignment resembles a craft from Japan called the Puzzle Box. These boxes are built by highly skilled craftspeople

"Koyosegi" Japanese Puzzle Box 54steps
with secret compartment