Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Meeting Two -- Making Stuff Up

Review Class Session 1

Preview Class Session 2
Major topics include:
*Analog  Multi-player game
  • Teaming
  • Creation of our game
  • Roles, Rules, Tools, Contexts, Win-state
*Beginning Building
*Opening SketchUp
*Making your first drawing

Identity and domains in the metaverse
Creation of Teams



  1. The whole point of introducing our selves, and playing the jungle game was not only to break the ice, but also to familarize ourselves with the classroom so it is a more comfortable environment. This helps eliminate awkwardness from the lack of eyecontact being made.

  2. Nice picture for this post brock: a fish out of water flying through the air on an improbable contraption.

    I think we began this session with an exercise in memory. There was talk of the magic number 7 and the work done by miller with regard to it.

    We all participated in the jungle game which was another memory exercise, a pattern recognition game, an icebreaker, and a functional way of realy learning each persons name. Of all the number patterns that were posted on the overhead I remember only 1492 1942 2004 2010 and even that could be wrong.

    Is this the session we made a chair and discovered that there were many ways to approach the same problem?

    There was some talk of social intertia and the psychology of design.

    I think we defined what a game is and how it is different from a simulation. We also did some talking about a fish and pond simulation, which makes the point that a simulation is a system in which each variable has an impact on the outcomes.

    Think systemically was a bit of advice we received that day.

    I wondered to myself, how can our sims be made to dynamically generate content.

    The difference between game and situation is the win state. A prefered outcome. The prefered outcome must come from goals and rewards for completing them.

    Later with other members of this class we talked about SecondLife have a missing component, which is a win state. There are no missions for example. The only games are mini-games. In creating a multi user virtual environment the presence of a plot and goals(missions,quests,levels)have a massive effect on the quantity of people who use the system multiple times.

    Google + Wikepidia provides us with the following nugget of information:

    The paper entitled "The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two: Some Limits on Our Capacity for Processing Information'" is amoung the most highly cited papers in psychology. Originally published in "Psychological Review", it was written by a cognative psychologist named George A. Miller of Princeton Universy's Dept. of Psychology.

    -paraphrased from wikipedia

  3. Brack-batteries, Acky-ammo belt, Leroy-loud speaker system,Pheng-PS3, Ronsonrock, Elizabeth-ear plugs,Donny-dinghy,Mathew-multi acre industrial refinery,Augusto-amnesia, Michael-machete,Josh-java, MZ-machine gun,Gao-gknife,Ken-Korean food

    Let me know if I misspelled or missed anyone!

    Avatar Movie-new technology using ICLONE, "real-time-animation"...check this out: http://www.reallusion.com/iClone/

    "Replicable. Assess-Evaluate-Measure. Document."
    ...Tattoo it to your arm! ;)

    #7, it's significance written by Miller.

    The difference between games and simulations/models, is that games have a win state with a desired outcome.

    Fish Ecosystem. Big Fish>Little Fish> Plants.
    Desired outcome, to balance the Eco-system. System=parts that come together as a whole with protocols for steps. WIKI uses "a set of relationships..." Everything is connected and effects each other.

    Creating 3 different chairs in SketchUp. "Work smarter, not harder!"

    Checkout Google Warehouse
    Next Week: Cubes Cubed


    "Replicable. Assess-Evaluate-Measure. Document."
    ...Tattoo it to your arm! ;)

  4. filhaminha, love the tattoo idea! I will bring my my tattoo gear for you guys, I am pretty good and it does not hurt much -- really I promise! I used Iclone for the BHS game. The only problem is that you cannot get your assets out. You make a avatar, they are only for filming in that environment.

  5. Does this tattoo gear consist of mulitple colored sharpies?

  6. filhaminha, the tattoo gun has sharp parts...

    I like that it is referred to as a tattoo 'gun' as though it were a weapon rather than a tool or instrument.
