Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Wednesday March 2

Math 7 -- Defining Variables and Substitution 
Math 6 -- Defining Variables and Substitution
Math 8 -- Defining Variables and Substitution

In this activity, students will learn to define variables that can be used to reference values and expressions. Once defined, their variables can be used repeatedly throughout a program as substitutes for the original values or expressions.

  • Define variables by giving them a name and assigning them a value or expression.
  • Use variables within Evaluation Blocks.
  • Describe a situation where using variables as substitutions for values or expressions is more efficient.

Common Core Math Standards

  • 6.EE.4: Identify when two expressions are equivalent (i.e., when the two expressions name the same number regardless of which value is substituted into them). For example, the expressions y + y + y and 3y are equivalent because they name the same number regardless of which number y stands for.

English 7 -- Garage Band -- found poem, put a beat behind it, listening session

English 8 -- Story Board -- work day for finishing story boards

Thursday March 3

Math 7 -- The Big Game: Variables
Math 6 -- The Big Game: Variables
Math 8 -- The Big Game: Variables

Students get their first look at the inside of their own video games. They will start development by substituting in new Images, Strings, and Numbers for existing variables.

  • Substitute new values into existing variables of an existing program and describe the effects.
  • Examine the structure of an existing program.

Common Core Math Standards

  • 6.EE.4: Identify when two expressions are equivalent (i.e., when the two expressions name the same number regardless of which value is substituted into them). For example, the expressions y + y + y and 3y are equivalent because they name the same number regardless of which number y stands for.

English 7 - Oral Interpretation of a story
English 8 - Present story boards

Friday March 4

Math 7 -- Composite Functions
Math 6 -- Composite Functions
Math 8 -- Composite Functions

In the past lessons students have defined variables which will allow them to easily write expressions that refer to the same value repeatedly. In this stage, they will write simple functions that, like variables, allow students to abstract out repetitious elements of their programs.

  • Analyze and use existing functions.
  • Modify existing functions.
  • Create new functions.
  • Create similar shapes by changing size parameters on functions.

Common Core Math Standards

  • 8.F.1: Understand that a function is a rule that assigns to each input exactly one output. The graph of a function is the set of ordered pairs consisting of an input and the corresponding output.1

English 7 - Reading Friday
English 8 - Reading Friday

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