Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Assignment: Document of Script, Interpretation, and Stage directions -- includes assignment description and scoring doc

When you performed your play, you told a story, you need to create a document that is like a script that will hook your audience with the intro (an intro has a minimum of 3 sentences), and then go into characters, script and stage direction, and then finally, the closing paragraph where you explain your interpretation.

 We will be in lab 261 for hours 1, 2, 3, and 4

We will be in lab 150 on Friday for hour 6

The paper is due at the beginning of the hour Friday  9/18/09

Here is the ASSIGNMENT Description to guide you in format and to use the key terms as well as the original assignment description.

Do not forget that you have already done several journals for the prewriting elements on the rubric; you already have stage directions in your journal from class. 

It includes a description, key terms, the poem, rubrics, and a template for your paper with exemplars.

Do not forget to include your 8 terms in describing your intentions and message in your final paragraph i.e.

Dialect A particular variety of language spoken in one place by a distinct group of people. A dialect reflects the colloquialisms, grammatical constructions, distinctive vocabulary, and pronunciations that are typical of a region. At times writers use dialect to establish or emphasize settings as well as to develop characters.

Diction An author’s choice of words based on their correctness, clarity, or effectiveness.

Mood The feeling or atmosphere that a writer creates for the reader. The use of connotation, details, dialogue, imagery, figurative language, foreshadowing, setting, and rhythm can help establish mood.

Point of view The vantage point from which a story is told. In the first person or narrative point of view, the story is told by one of the characters. In the third person or omniscient point of view, someone outside the story tells the story.


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