Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Metaverse Graphic Design 1 DGIM 2500

Next week,

                  Buy the texts for the class:
                                Google SketchUp Cookbook, O'Reilly
                                ISBN 978-0-596-15511-7

                               Google SketchUp for Site Design
                               ISBN 978-0-470-345244-2
  1. be prepared by having watched and practiced using these tutorials -- make sure you have have covered the beginners' fare.
  2. Differences between games, models, simulations, and virtual worlds
  3. Play analog multiplayer game
  4. form teams for client and production
  5. go over syllabus and co-create rubrics, criteria, scheduling, and checklists
  6. virtual tours through architecture in PS3 games
  7. begin sketchUp

What we covered in the first class:

What is virtual -- almost
What is a World -- beliefs, perceptions, existence, imagination, people, environment, atmosphere, area, time, surroundings, interaction, memory, container of objects, self, place, IT -- THAT.

Measurement -- You should assess, measure and evaluate your environment. This is what will make your work stand above the rest. Data talks -- no need for sales talks.

Barbell Factory was an example of this. Student comments.

Tools, toys, pivots, activity theory

 Play provides a transitional
stage in this direction whenever an object (for example a stick) becomes a
pivot for severing meaning of horse from a real horse. The child cannot yet
detach thought from object. (Vygotsky, 1976, p 97).
Thus play seems essential to development, and the role of the pivot ( a toy, representation, or even a game) is important in aiding that early childhood development, where children may move from recognitive play to symbolic and imaginative play, i.e. the child may play with a phone the way it is supposed to be used to show they can use it (recognitive), and in symbolic or imaginative play, they may pretend a banana is the phone. This is an important step since representation and abstraction are essential in learning language, especially print and alphabetical systems for reading and other discourse. There are as many types of play as there are people and cultures. A few types to consider are:
• Recognitive, or Mastery play – learning how to use objects
• Creative play – playing with aesthetics
• Deep play – learning about risk and danger
• Recapitulative play – den building, hiding, climbing
• Dressing up – experimenting with identity
• Rough and tumble play – testing your own strength
For this reason play and gaming, structured forms of play, may be reasonable predictors for comprehension and problem solving. In play, we create models; try on roles; and experience the world in the safety of play. Play may also expand comprehension in surprising ways, but often activities involving play are seen as non-academic—therefore non-educational, lacking rigor and thus, not really learning (Dubbels, submitted).


  1. replicability,

    applicable place holder, bookmark for the mind.... a word attached to a story-
    measuring results. Creating data. You can't argue with results.

    a bar bell factory and top down management.

    A corporate leader instructs a manager to be tough and produce results. The corp leadership broadcasts a somewhat demeaning and not so engaging message to the workers. The manager follows the lead set by his boss.
    Each worker sits with their back to the other workers. Each is in their own protected little zone working in relative isolation.

    No planning, training, or discussion takes place before work on the project begins. All anyone has are vague ideas and platitudes. No one really knows what to do. The workers are given random materials and and a lot of pieces fall to the ground. There are no explicit goals or specifications with regard to what they are producing.

    One benefit of this approach is that it allows the manager to blame the worker, and in turn corporate can blame the managers. This organization is not dynamic or cohesive. The potential clients are not presented with usable products. Clearly a result of the process and lack of coordination. The products were not only unusable, but the process created a great deal of waste. Wasted materials, wasted time. The time of the client, the time of the managers & workers. The morale of the production team is in line with these results.

    On the second production run there is analysis and design that take place - Communication between the client and the workers to ensure that the resulting products are useful Everyone sits at the same table and with all in cooperation they produce more products with less waste in the same period of time.

    So was this game about tinker toys? (Unusual that tinker toys had just come to mind a day or two before the class. "What ever happened to tinker toys?" I thought to myself. I was thinking I should buy some for my youngest sister, who is around four. Good for creativity and dexterity etc.)

    Well, not really.( although tinker toys were a good invention. Perhaps even better than legos, yes I know that's a bold statement. But I did preface the statement with perhaps. )

    So I think we all know that this is meant to be a story to teach the importance of communication, planning, measuring, evaluating, learning.... Was this activity a pivot? Is it meant to teach us something in a way that is more memorable than a powerpoint presentation filled with bulleted lists about strategies of communication? I can in my mind draw a parrellel between the factory and the classroom. An instructor could come in, give a broadcast, carelessly toss some bits and pieces to us, things could fall on the floor. There could be waste. The results could be lower than expected. I was once told that it is insane to do the same thing over and over again and expect different results.

  2. We've learned that data speaks of it self. You cannot argue with data. Data equals money. The whole point of the bar bell exercise was to show how we could measure data, and use it to to our advantage. We measured the data with time and results. We then adjusted a few things and came out with better results. We know the results are better because of the data of the first excercise compared to the data of the second exercise. The results showed. The point of all of this was to find different ways in metaverse, and see which is more efficient and productive.

  3. How to Improve Your Memory
    We all struggle with remembering things. It's a challenge to store and retrieve all the information we need to remember, even if it's just for a short period of time. One of the most important types of memory is known as working memory, which is used for temporarily storing and manipulating information. Working memory is critical in many cognitive processes including reasoning, problem solving and language
    Did you know that with a little work, you can actually improve your working memory?
    brain games improve working memory.
    People who train their brain with game exercises on a daily basis can improve their memory dramatically.

  4. Game_Testers to improve productivity.
    Games are an ancient and fun way to get people interacting, even in stressful situations.
    Today The “Gamer Generation” is here. Many businesses are wondering these days how to use simple concepts popular in video games and apply them to work. Gaming promote competition, and competition helps work get done in all kinds of industries.
    With some industries using productivity games, what about software development? How can productivity games help testers improve the quality of the products they test? One of the more famous test techniques is the bug bash. Teams pick a certain date, and everyone bangs on a certain area of the product to find bugs. Some similar procedure to the explanation above was put into practice by teacher Brock when he divided the class into 2 groups to build Dumb Bells.
    For the players, productivity games offer people the ability to learn, solve problems, and earn a reward. They offer a way to challenge players to compete, to explore and discover, and to establish a surrogate identity or status via a leader board. There are many fundamental motivations to play a game applied to the creation of good products. “If you build it well, they will buy it." A good productivity game designer can build a game around “work that needs to be done that no one wants to do” – and like the lone teenager who plays Halo for weeks on end, people will take on that work. Experiment and explore – the results can be surprising.

  5. How to Improve Your Memory
    We all struggle with remembering things. It's a challenge to store and retrieve all the information we need to remember, even if it's just for a short period of time. One of the most important types of memory is known as working memory, which is used for temporarily storing and manipulating information. Working memory is critical in many cognitive processes including reasoning, problem solving and language
    Did you know that with a little work, you can actually improve your working memory?
    brain games improve working memory.
    People who train their brain with game exercises on a daily basis can improve their memory dramatically.

  6. Game_Testers to improve productivity.
    Games are an ancient and fun way to get people interacting, even in stressful situations.
    Today The “Gamer Generation” is here. Many businesses are wondering these days how to use simple concepts popular in video games and apply them to work. Gaming promote competition, and competition helps work get done in all kinds of industries.
    With some industries using productivity games, what about software development? How can productivity games help testers improve the quality of the products they test? One of the more famous test techniques is the bug bash. Teams pick a certain date, and everyone bangs on a certain area of the product to find bugs. Some similar procedure to the explanation above was put into practice by teacher Brock when he divided the class into 2 groups to build Dumb Bells.
    For the players, productivity games offer people the ability to learn, solve problems, and earn a reward. They offer a way to challenge players to compete, to explore and discover, and to establish a surrogate identity or status via a leader board. There are many fundamental motivations to play a game applied to the creation of good products. “If you build it well, they will buy it." A good productivity game designer can build a game around “work that needs to be done that no one wants to do” – and like the lone teenager who plays Halo for weeks on end, people will take on that work. Experiment and explore – the results can be surprising.

  7. How to Improve Your Memory
    We all struggle with remembering things. It's a challenge to store and retrieve all the information we need to remember, even if it's just for a short period of time. One of the most important types of memory is known as working memory, which is used for temporarily storing and manipulating information. Working memory is critical in many cognitive processes including reasoning, problem solving and language
    Did you know that with a little work, you can actually improve your working memory?
    brain games improve working memory.
    People who train their brain with game exercises on a daily basis can improve their memory dramatically.

  8. Chapter one described linear and circular techniques how to make copy arrays. The most common technique is the Linear Array which a object make one copy to make multiple copies with the same distance in rows and columns. The Linear Internal Array builds create copies between two objects by typing #/. The Nonorthogonal Linear Array can be build with either arrays by locking the inference edges or lines slope. In order to make Circular Arrays the program must recognize a inference point to find the circumference point. Then can be copy as a array with same angles. Circular Internal Arrays are copies between the angles of two objects. These techniques are useful for large amount of same objects.
    Shortcut key
    Linear - #x
    Internal - #/

  9. Chapter one described linear and circular techniques how to make copy arrays. The most common technique is the Linear Array which a object make one copy to make multiple copies with the same distance in rows and columns. The Linear Internal Array builds create copies between two objects by typing #/. The Nonorthogonal Linear Array can be build with either arrays by locking the inference edges or lines slope. In order to make Circular Arrays the program must recognize a inference point to find the circumference point. Then can be copy as a array with same angles. Circular Internal Arrays are copies between the angles of two objects. These techniques are useful for large amount of same objects.
    Shortcut key
    Linear - #x
    Internal - #/

  10. During our first class we discussed how to make what we are doing public. Clearly document, measure, and assess our project. Some items on all of our to do list: Join Facebook, join the 'metaversalists' group in FB, twitter: brackdubbles. Check out the "google suite". So far I have a gmail account-use google reader-google docs-and google calendar. Look forward to discovering more tools. Also, research more about "google Warehouse".

  11. Here is a link to an iclone video --easy!

